Monday, December 4, 2017

Gertie the Dinosaur

Gertie the Dinosaur is a 1914 short animated film by Cartoonist Winsor McMcray, Gretie the Dinosaur is the earliest animation to feature a dinosaur.  
In the story Gertie does tricks like an circus animal. almost like a trained elephant. she is animated with a naturalistic style, adding a sense of reality to her, she breathes rhythmically and shifts her body weight when she moves, having characteristics and a personality. the personality for Gertie was that of a friendly tone, but she rebels at times whenever her master gives her a command, some could see Gertie displaying teenage rebellious behaviour.  
The animation technique used in Gertie the Dinosaur is frame by frame drawn animation, the artist (Winsor McMcray) drew each and every frame repeatedly but changed the movements of Gertie, McMcary had dedication to finish his animation even if that meant drawing the same background again and again. For Gertie's actions McMcray based Gertie's movements off of other animals such as a trained elephant. 

Monday, September 25, 2017


The Zeotrope

A zoetrope is one of a few pre-film movement gadgets that create the figment of movement by showing an arrangement of illustrations or photos indicating dynamic periods of that movement.



For this unit i'm going to be researching key points in the history of animation, the main pioneers of animation, how it has changed over the main years, the techniques and the development.

Eadweard Muybridge

Task 1 
Name: Mohammed Adeel Zia

Intro: I am going to be talking about the 1879 invention known as the Zoöpraxiscope, invented by the english photographer Eadweard Muybridge. I'll be talking aout when, why, how it was made and what it did the for development of photography.

Muybridge invented his device, the Zoöpraxiscope, in summer 1879. This device built on a long global history of interest However it also extended a strong 19th century interest in the phenomenon of vision itself, which had already resulted in the production of many new projection and moving image devices. Muybridge's Zoöpraxiscope served to amalgamate three existing visual technologies popular in the 19th Century: photography, the zoetrope and the magic lantern.

Zoetropes and phenakistiscope had already produced a sort of animation, although the moving image could not be projected. Lanterns had been projecting images ever since the 17th Century and had even begun to project photographs. But in this case lifelike motion had not been achieved.

"What Muybridge did was to borrow the animated illusion of movement from moving image toys and combine this with the capacity for projection embodied in the magic lantern. He then adapted pictures from his motion photography and created a device which for the first time could project sequences of rapid movement informed by the camera onto a screen. To many theorists, the Zoöpraxiscope therefore represents a pivotal moment in the history of the moving image - a missing link between slide projection and cinema. -- Wikipedia

For the animation before it starts a storyboard is created. in the storyboard they draw or sketch certain scenes and get a mental imagine of what the scene will look like.

for films like star wars there are storyboards for when the rebels are going to destroy the death star. some sketched a rough idea of what the scene would like like, showing the camera angle of the scene and how the camera would follow the rebels.the rebels have the ships X-Wings, designed earlyin the process by Joe Johnson and Colin Cantwell. the director being George Lucas.

Eadweard Muybridge used his invention to find out if horse's hooves all lifted from the ground when they ran. Muybridge set up cameras along a track and had a single horse and it's rider run along, triggering the cameras and capturing the each individual frame of the horse glopping. Muybrigde discoered he was right, the horse does lift all it's hooves when it runs. muybrigde then create his Zoöpraxiscope and the frames inside the device, he then created a motion image.

Muybridge later went on to inspire
- Thomas Eakins
- Thoms Edison
- William Dickson
- Francis Bacon
- John Gaeta