Gertie the Dinosaur is a 1914 short animated film by Cartoonist Winsor McMcray, Gretie the Dinosaur is the earliest animation to feature a dinosaur.
In the story Gertie does tricks like an circus animal. almost like a trained elephant. she is animated with a naturalistic style, adding a sense of reality to her, she breathes rhythmically and shifts her body weight when she moves, having characteristics and a personality. the personality for Gertie was that of a friendly tone, but she rebels at times whenever her master gives her a command, some could see Gertie displaying teenage rebellious behaviour.
The animation technique used in Gertie the Dinosaur is frame by frame drawn animation, the artist (Winsor McMcray) drew each and every frame repeatedly but changed the movements of Gertie, McMcary had dedication to finish his animation even if that meant drawing the same background again and again. For Gertie's actions McMcray based Gertie's movements off of other animals such as a trained elephant.